Kotlin statistics — useful libraryhttps://www.kotlinresources.com/library/kotlin-statistics/Jul 28, 2020Jul 28, 2020
Simple Git commands to solve everyday problemsGit RERERE +.gitconfig for folder directory -> no more problems with git users for private and work profiles.Jun 17, 2020Jun 17, 2020
Kotlin Collection extension function .all {} produce true for empty collection. Solution !So what is the problem with Kotlin .all {} extension function from Kotlin Collection?May 17, 20202May 17, 20202
Cards Carousel with item span to centre + Drag And Drop To DeleteHorizontal RecyclerViewMay 13, 2020May 13, 2020
Simple Android DOZE MODE testingStarting from Android Marshmallow (Android 6.0; API level 23) all Android devices takes care of battery optimization from default and…Jan 12, 20192Jan 12, 20192